(Invited) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Development at Redox Power Systems, LLC

Sean R. Bishop,Lei Wang, Thomas Langdo, Bryan M. Blackburn

ECS Meeting Abstracts(2017)

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Redox is developing solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) distributed power generation systems for commercial, light industrial, and residential markets. Benefits to long-term stability and reduced cost from a much lower operation temperature (500-650 oC) as compared to more conventional SOFC products (800 – 1,000 oC) are key advantages of the Redox technology. Furthermore, the Redox cell obtains stable, high power densities (>1 W/cm2) at these low temperatures, enabling reduced size, weight, and most importantly, the cost of reliable on-site generation of electricity. The modular nature of our system design lends itself to constructing systems with a broad range of power generation capacities and fuel options. In this presentation, we will highlight recent Redox SOFC achievements, with focus on materials, and how choices there impact overall system performance and operation considerations.
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