Fundamentals and Emerging Trends of Neuroergonomic Applications to Driving and Navigation

Inki Kim,Erfan Pakdamanian, Vishesh Hiremath

NeuroergonomicsCognitive Science and Technology(2020)

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The state-of-the-art vehicle automation and navigation technologies promise to augment or even replace diverse human functions in driving. For safety assurance on roadways, vehicles need to be informed about the humans (not only their presence but also mental states) in and around the vehicle. Yet, the uncertainties of drivers’ mental states under varying traffic situations make it difficult to provide such information. In this regard, neuroergonomics have potential to help bridge human and automation toward the next level of integration. In this chapter, we aim to provide an appreciation of neuroergonomic application to driving and navigation, with an emphasis on drivers’ cognitive tasks and performance. Particularly, the four main cognitive constructs associated with driving—attention, situation awareness (SA), intent, and mental workload—are reviewed in terms of their theoretical foundations and recent applications in neuroergonomic studies. The effects of special demographic population and environmental selection for such study are also discussed. To the readers who are interested in understanding the effects of next-generation vehicle technologies on humans or who aspire for the breakthrough in neuroergonomics for new driving and navigation technology, this chapter may provide a useful source.
neuroergonomic applications,driving
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