
Sustainable Undernutrition Reduction in Ethiopia (SURE): A Qualitative Study Assessing Feasibility of the Program Implementation in Basona Worana District, Ethiopia

Current Developments in Nutrition(2020)

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Abstract Objectives The Ethiopian government designed the SURE program which aims to reduce the prevalence of stunting by improving complementary feeding and dietary diversity as part of its national nutrition program. This study was conducted to test the feasibility of the SURE program before its implementation. Methods A qualitative research design with purposive sampling was employed for this study. A five-day overall SURE program training was provided for 6 health extension workers (HEWs) and 10 agriculture extension workers (AEWs). Trainees completed pre-post knowledge tests. Following their training, two pairs of health and agriculture extension workers jointly conducted household visits in each of three selected kebeles (sub-unit of district) to assess needs and counsel mother-father pairs. They also facilitated women's and men's group dialogues to reinforce messages in gender-specific peer groups. Research assistants and investigators observed 12 joint household visits. To further assess the program, 24 semi-structured interviews with extension workers and mother-father pairs and 6 focus group discussions with men's and women's groups were conducted. Data were analyzed using Nvivo version 11. Results Health and agriculture extension workers gained demonstrable knowledge about infant and young child feeding and nutrition-sensitive agricultural practices following their training, but they largely failed to apply the 3A's counselling process (assess, analyze and act) and delivered inconsistent messages during the counselling visits based on observation. However, they felt that they can realistically continue to work together. Pairs of mothers and fathers visited were supportive of the joint HEWs and AEWs visits. Focus group discussants from women's groups reported that segregating the group discussions by gender was helpful to ensure their participation and expression of ideas. Conclusions The SURE training provided to HEWs and AEWs resulted in knowledge retention. The integrated service delivery model of the SURE program is well-accepted by both extension workers and mother-father pairs. Further support to build counselling skills will be needed to improve program processes and the quality of services. Funding Sources Childrens' Investment Fund Foundation (UK) funded this research. No other involvement in carrying out the research activities.
sustainable undernutrition reduction,ethiopia,qualitative study,program implementation
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