
Measuring and Simulating T1 and T2 for Qubits

Measuring and Simulating T1 and T2 for Qubits(2020)

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Quantum computers perform computations exploiting quantum mechanics to a possible advantage, allowing us to prepare and manipulate states that do not have a classical equivalent. In particular, phenomena like superposition and entanglement may enable quantum computers to outperform their classical counterparts in certain applications. Implementing these useful quantum algorithms is contingent upon building accurate quantum hardware that is not affected by noise. Environmental noise decreases coherence time of qubits, meaning that qubits do not stay in a desired state long enough to carry out a complex computation. To that end, harnessing the full power of quantum computers necessitate characterization of noise sources and how they impact a given quantum system. Often times, T1and T2 are used to quantify noise. In this project, we provide an approach as to how T1 and T2 values are calculated and simulated for quantum systems. In addition, we compare simulated values of T1 and T2 with those of real quantum computer’s measurements. IBMQ Experience, an open source software allowing users to simulate and use real quantum hardware, is used. QuTip, a Python-based toolbox offering quantum simulation tools for open quantum systems, is also used.
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