The concept of hyperenculturation: An example from a Swedish research school

Anna Petersson, Catharina Sternudd

Högre utbildning(2020)

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The aim of this paper is to discuss how research schools with a structured programme and targeted profile may make it difficult for doctoral students to expand the academic role. Our paper is based on material collected in a questionnaire given to doctoral students enrolled at a Swedish research school in architecture. In this questionnaire we found three areas – openness to other disciplines and practices; support for different communicational channels; and various research approaches and methodologies – where a certain divergence could be observed between what the students perceived was important for their educational development, and how well their needs and wishes were met by the research school and its extended learning environment. We also found that the doctoral students valued the teaching experience they gained, and wished they had been able to teach more. In order to shed light on a process of enculturation that we see as potentially leading to a narrowing learning culture, we introduce and discuss the concept of what we call ‘hyperenculturation.’
research school,doctoral education,architecture,enculturation,learning culture,disciplinary belonging
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