
Beclin 1 (otofaji belirteci), p53 mutasyonu, Ki-67 proliferasyon indeksi, tümör nekrozu ve mikrovasküler invazyonun böbrek hücreli karsinomlarda prognoz üzerindeki etkisi ve bunların bilinen prognostik parametrelerle ilişkisi

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi(2020)

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Aim: The aim of this study was to help identify new prognostic markers in renal cell carcinomas (RCC), to show the role of autophagy in the pathogenesis of RCC and to shed light on new treatment modalities in RCC. Material and Methods: Clinicopathological stages, tumor necrosis and microvascular invasion (MVI) were determined retrospectively and Beclin-1, Ki-67, and p53 were studied immunohistochemically. Results: Tumor necrosis, MVI, Ki-67, and p53 in RCCs were positively correlated with Fuhrman nuclear grade and pathologic tumor stage, while Beclin-1 was only associated with nuclear grade. MVI and Ki-67 were associated with distant organ and lymph node metastasis. Ki-67 and necrosis correlated positively with p53 and Beclin-1 expression, but not with MVI. Beclin-1 were positively correlated necrosis, but not with p53 and MVI. p53, Ki-67 and MVI were negatively correlated with survival, while the effect of Beclin -1 and necrosis on survival couldn’t be demonstrated. Conclusion: Ki-67, p53, and MVI in RCCs are prognostic parameters with effects on survival. Although Beclin-1 was not a prognostic parameter associated with survival, its expression in tumor tissue was found to be increased. At the same time, there is less staining in non-tumor renal parenchyma. Beclin-1 is a marker of autophagy and is thought to be involved in RCC pathogenesis rather than its prognostic significance.
p53 mutation,tumor necrosis,beclin,prognosis
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