
Discretionary Performance in the 21st Century Workplace: Expanding Theory, Research, and Practice

Proceedings - Academy of Management(2020)

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This symposium broadens our sight by expanding theory, research and practice of discretionary performance: organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) and counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs; or deviance), which are important components of job performance. The papers in the symposium present new theoretical directions and ways to conceptualize and study these behaviors. These include utilizing a person-centered approach to study profiles (rather than separate traits or behaviors). Specifically, the first paper studies how personality profiles (i.e., combinations of traits) predict discretionary behaviors. The second paper identifies deviance profiles and examines how they relate to traditional antecedents of deviance in non-traditional ways. The third paper examines how between- and within-person variance in CWBs depends on the total study duration and the time intervals between measurements. The second focus of this symposium is on discretionary behaviors in the context of the modern day workplace, thus expanding our understanding of the role that these behaviors play in aligning individual and organizational values in this dynamic environment. Specifically, the fourth paper examines how the interface (i.e., conflict vs. enhancement) between a gig-work identity and an environmental identity affects positive and negative discretionary behaviors. Finally, the fifth paper studies the effects of employee promotive and prohibitive voice on empowering leadership, and how this effect depends on a dynamic work environment. In sum, the papers in this symposium have implications for theory, research and practice in organizational behavior and human resources, as the papers enrich our understanding of attributes and processes related to job performance. Personality Profiles as Predictors of Job Performance: A Person-Centered Approach Presenter: Peng Zhao; Indiana U. - Kelley School of Business Presenter: Christopher M. Berry; Indiana U. - Kelley School of Business The Profiles of Workplace Deviance: A Latent Class Analysis Approach Presenter: Jason Kautz; U. of South Carolina Presenter: Bailey A. Bigelow; U. of Central Florida Presenter: Nichelle Carpenter; U. of South Carolina An Examination of Temporal Variability in CWB Presenter: Casey Giordano; U. of Minnesota Presenter: Brittany Kathleen Mercado; Elon U. Presenter: Deniz S Ones; U. of Minnesota Presenter: Stephan Dilchert; City U. of New York, Baruch College The Effects of Environmental and Work Identities on Discretionary Performance in Gig Economy Work Presenter: Maria Rotundo; U. of Toronto Presenter: Ravit Hezkiau-Ludwig; U. of Toronto Presenter: Chloe Kovacheff; U. of Toronto Presenter: Joyce He; U. of Toronto Fostering Manager’s Trust in Employees: When and Why Does Employee Voice Lead to More Empowerment? Presenter: Shuqi Li; Eli Broad School of Business, Michigan State U. Presenter: Yao Wang; Renmin U. of China Presenter: Russell Eric Johnson; Eli Broad School of Business, Michigan State U.
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