
Bring on the Night: Exploring After-Work Experiences in Relation to Work

Proceedings - Academy of Management(2020)

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There is a growing body of literature examining the impact of employees’ non-work lives on critical workplace outcomes. Notwithstanding this progress, there is still a disproportional theoretical and empirical focus on work either (a) in isolation or (b) as an antecedent to non-work consequences, compared to research illuminating how the non-work domain (e.g., after-work, evening) influences work. The purpose of this symposium is to expand upon the current foundational understanding of the impact of employees’ experiences in the non-work domain — including leisure, recovery, relational dynamics, and domestic thoughts and activities — in order to illuminate the theoretical and practical role employees’ non-work lives have on organizationally-relevant outcomes. By bringing these five papers together — which all predominantly explore what happens during “after-work” hours — this symposium aligns with the All-Academy theme, “Broadening our Sight” by broadening the scope of what management researchers should study. Indeed, these papers expand beyond the rigid confines of the workplace and present work that blurs the outdated dichotomy between work and non-work. The Role of Evening Recovery Experiences for Employees’ Mood the Next Workday Presenter: Maike Czink; U. of Mannheim Presenter: Sabine Sonnentag; U. of Mannheim Understanding the Synchrony Between Supervisor Support and Employee After-Work Recovery Presenter: Allison S. Gabriel; U. of Arizona Presenter: Charles C. Calderwood; Virginia Tech Presenter: Molly Minnen; Virginia Tech Presenter: Elena Maria Wong; U. of Arizona Presenter: John P. Trougakos; U. of Toronto Leisure Hacking: How Incorporating Work into Evening Leisure Increases Thriving and Proactivity Presenter: Katelyn Zipay; U. of Oregon Presenter: Jessica Beth Rodell; U. of Georgia Preoccupied with Non-Work Thoughts While Working: A Self-Regulatory Perspective on Antecedents Presenter: Heidi Marie Baumann; Bradley U. Presenter: Kelly Schwind Wilson; Purdue U., West Lafayette Presenter: Matthew B. Perrigino; Elon U. Presenter: Malissa Amy Clark; U. of Georgia Presenter: Melissa Robertson; U. of Georgia All You Need is Love: Understanding Nightly Relational Dynamics and Next Day Job Performance Presenter: Marcus Butts; Southern Methodist U. Presenter: Wendy R Boswell; Texas A&M U. Presenter: Christopher C. Rosen; U. of Arkansas
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