
Estrategias Utilizadas Para El Cambio En La Percepción De Estudiantes Universitarios Hacia Personas Con Discapacidad

Libro de Actas IN-RED 2020 VI Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red(2020)

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This research aims to investigate the perception of university students about people with disabilities. Fifty-six first-year students of the occupational therapy degree participated in the study, during the 2017-2018 academic year. The effect caused by the use of different strategies with the aim of achieving a positive perception of persons with disabilities is collected, after several information, training, contact and reflection sessions. The results suggest that first-year students appreciate having contact with people with whom they will be able to apply their knowledge as professionals. They are surprised by the autonomy, optimism, perseverance and participation of people with disabilities. It has served them mainly to understand the profession, to value the therapeutic relationship and to see support products. The most chosen weakness to change, after carrying out the designed activities is patience. Disability is still a distant and unknown world for first year students, however, it is crucial to achieve a positive perception through strategies throughout the career, since in the near future they will work with these people from the occupation in contributing to their health, welfare and participation in life.
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