Wear performance and Mechanical properties of Unidirectional Sisal/Carbon/Flax Hybrid Reinforced Epoxy Composites

R Anand Kumar, S SS Sindhu,M Kumaresan,S Sathish,N Karthi, J Vignesh, S P Sidharth, K V Shreedhar, P Subash Rajasekar

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(2020)

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Abstract This current work rate the mechanical properties, wear resistance and frictional force of unidirectional hybrid fiber orientation composites. The orientation of fibers done by manually according to the size of fabricated plate and thickness of plate. In these research sisal/carbon and sisal/carbon/flax hybrid fiber reinforced composites are selected. Selected different combinations of hybrid fiber reinforced composites are shaped by using compression molding techniques. After that property of mechanical, wear resistance and frictional force were studied by using experimental study to discover their tensile, compressive, impact properties, wear resistance and frictional force due to the effect of unidirectional hybrid fiber combinations. The results of this study indicates that unidirectional sisal/carbon/flax hybrid combinations shows the better tensile strength, compression strength, impact strength, wear resistance and frictional force.
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Key words
epoxy,composites,mechanical properties
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