Vacancy-rich BiO2-x as a highly-efficient persulfate activator under near infrared irradiation for bacterial inactivation and mechanism study.

Journal of hazardous materials(2022)

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This study, for the first time, developed a novel defective BiO2-x based collaborating system, where the near-infrared light (NIR) irradiation (λ > 700 nm) initiated persulfate activation and photocatalytic bacterial inactivation simultaneously. Vacancy-rich BiO2-x nanoplates possessed impressive NIR absorption and firstly realized persulfate activation under NIR irradiation. In this collaborating system, on one hand, the persulfate can be transformed into sulfate radicals through light/heat activation mode directly, which would be enhanced by the presence of vacancy-rich BiO2-x owing to its outstanding light and heat absorption ability. On the other hand, the photogenerated electrons can further efficiently react with persulfate and form sufficient reactive sulfate radicals. The sulfate radicals, synergizing with other reactive species (O2-, h+, etc.), achieved a 7-log Escherichia coli inactivation within 40 min. The systematic investigation of inactivation mechanism revealed that the reactive species caused the dysfunction of cellular respiration, ATP synthesis and bacterial membrane, followed by the severely oxidative damage to the antioxidative SOD and CAT enzymes and the generation of carbonylated protein. The final leakage of DNA and RNA implied the lethal damage to the bacteria cells. This work provided a new insight into the persulfate associated NIR driven remediation technology of controlling microbial contaminants.
near infrared irradiation,bacterial inactivation,vacancy-rich,highly-efficient
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