
Analysis of Challenges Developed Post-construction of Railway Underpass Project

Lecture notes in civil engineering(2021)

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The construction industry in India is the second largest industry after agriculture which plays a vital role in the economic and social growth of the nation. Traditionally, a construction project engages various participants such as clients, consultants, contractors, and stakeholders with distinct outlook and returns, but they all work collectively to achieve project objectives. There are benefits and challenges associated with every construction project which are unique. Several studies have been conducted in the past to identify challenges and measure benefits through the beneficiary’s survey. In this study, an effort is made to identify the key challenges faced by beneficiaries of the railway project (underpass) in Jaipur by employing a questionnaire survey post-construction. The questionnaire survey was conducted to gauge their response and identify the major challenges. The examinee (respondents) are requested to provide their feedback on a 5-point scale (Likert) where 1 record disagree (strongly) response and 5 records agree (strongly) response. A total of 383 respondents recorded their responses in this survey between May and June 2018. Out of which 357 entries were found to be fit, and remaining entries were discarded due to inadequacy. The analysis (statistical) of the data was achieved by SPSS software. The result outlined the challenges such as water logging problem during the rainy season, unsuitable for big size vehicles, loss of agricultural land, and obstruction to the animal movement that are faced by beneficiaries.
Project performance, Questionnaire survey, Key challenges, Beneficiaries
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