PDR/GNSS Fusion Positioning Based on Multipath Mitigation

Lecture notes in electrical engineering(2021)

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Accurate pedestrian positioning based on smartphone’s consumer-grade sensors is a research hotspot for several years. Due to the poor performance of the mass-market MEMS devices, standalone PDR inevitably generates significant accumulated errors over time. Moreover, the GNSS module in smartphone provides absolute position information and complements the relative positioning such as PDR. In this paper, we propose a PDR/GNSS fusion framework based on joint heading and stride length estimation to combine their advantages. Considering that multipath error is one of the major error sources in smartphone’s GNSS measurements, a novel pseudorange multipath error mitigation method based on CN0R spectrum decomposition is also proposed. The experimental results show that the proposed multipath mitigation approach can effectively eliminate the high-frequency multipath errors and reduce the convergence time of positioning accuracy of 2 m from 100 min to 5 min. Meanwhile, the proposed PDR/GNSS fusion algorithm has comparative advantages over the standalone methods in the aspects of heading estimation and noise performance.
PDR, GNSS multipath mitigation, Smartphone, Fusion positioning
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