
FFT-Based Robust Video Steganography over Non-dynamic Region in Compressed Domain

Advances in intelligent systems and computing(2021)

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The proposed research work presents a novel data hiding method for video steganography in the compressed domain. In this method, the random numbered secret frames are selected from the RGB cover video sequence. This method increases the complexity level of video steganography by considering the specific host to conceal confidential data. It extracts the specific non-dynamic region from the secret frame and transforms the pixel value to the frequency domain using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The usage of random Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the real part of FFT as a carrier object leads to good video quality and secret data-carrying capacity. Furthermore, the secure compressed stego video is reconstructed using the H.264 video compression technique. The proposed method is experimented on some well-known video datasets by considering RGB images with different resolutions as a secret message. Performance evaluation parameters evaluate the proposed method’s efficiency, imperceptibility, robustness, and embedding capacity, and the improved results are compared with reported methodologies. The results show a significant improvement in the imperceptibility as a Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) value is reached up to infinity (Inf) in some cases. At the same time, the similarity between embedded and extracted message is achieved nearer to 1 with the negligible Bit Error Rate (BER) less than 0.1%, and the embedding capacity greater than 0.5% in all cases indicates an excellent sign of carrying a big amount of confidential data.
Compressed video steganography, H.264, FFT, Imperceptibility, Robustness, Embedding capacity
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