
Estimating the Frequency of Automated Dispensing Cabinet Discrepancy Safety Events Using Markov Models

Drugs & therapy perspectives(2022)

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Background Medication errors are one of the most common types of adverse events in inpatient settings, accounting for nearly 5% of adverse events experienced by hospitalized patients. In this exploratory study, we modeled and estimated the frequency of automated dispensing cabinet (ADC) discrepancy safety events across three different data sources: ADC transaction logs, user ADC discrepancy reports, and user reports to a patient safety event (PSE) reporting system. Methods We collected data from the three sources over a 1-month time period from 5 January to 2 February 2021 and used a Markov model to categorize ADC transactions. Results A total of 1,989,443 ADC transactions were recorded. Of these, 18,943 (0.95%) had a discrepancy difference; of these, 1163 (6.1%) had a user report. In total, 17 (0.09% of 18,943) ADC discrepancy PSEs had discrepancy user reports and appeared in the transaction logs. However, 1146 of 1163 (98.5%) discrepancy user reports did not have an associated PSE report. In addition, 1914 of 3077 of the identified discrepancy events (62.2%) did not have a discrepancy user report or a PSE report. Conclusion The study findings illustrate how PSE reports are only the tip of the iceberg, capturing less than 0.6% of possible ADC discrepancy events. This work can be leveraged to better understand both safety hazards and the effectiveness of interventions.
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