
Growth of little millet as influenced by varied agronomic interventions

The Pharma Innovation Journal(2021)

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A field experiment was conducted during kharif, 2019 on sandy loam soils of S.V. Agricultural College Farm, Tirupati. The experimental design was spilt-split plot and replicated thrice. Three different times of sowing of little millet (II FN of June (T1), I FN of July (T2) and II FN of July (T3)), three methods of establishment (Broadcasting (M1), Sowing at 30 cm × 10 cm (M2) and transplanting 20 days old seedlings (M3)) and three nitrogen levels (20 kg N ha-1 (N1), 30 kg N ha-1 (N2) and 40 kg N ha-1 (N3)) were allotted to main plots, sub plots and sub-sub plots respectively. Results indicated that little millet sown during II FN of June (T1) resulted in taller plants, higher number of tillers m-2, maximum leaf area and higher drymatter production while all these parameters were at their minimum values with II FN of July (T3) sowings. With regard to methods of establishment, maximum values of the growth parameters were observed with the transplanting method of establishment (M3) and the minimum values were obtained with the broadcasted (M1) crop. Application of 40 kg N ha-1 (N3) recorded higher stature of growth parameters whereas lower values were found with the application of 20 kg N ha-1 (N1). Interaction effect of transplanting method coupled with the application 40 kg N ha-1 significantly influenced number of tillers m-2 and drymatter production at harvest.
little millet,growth
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