Современные проблемы и перспективы развития клеточной терапии на основе мезенхимных клеток сердца в восстановлении сократительной функции миокарда

P. M. Docshin,A. Bairqdar, A. B. Malashicheva

Комплексные проблемы сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний(2021)

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Modern methods of treating heart failure are similar to the palliative care, since they mostly relieve the symptoms of the disease. The discovery of resident cardiac stem cells gave impetus to the development of “second generation” cell therapy, which quickly moved from animal research to clinical trials with critically ill patients. Many cardiac side population cells have been identified to have stem cells characteristics and some additional individual characteristics, both in vitro and in vivo. The results of clinical studies demonstrated that the stem cell treatment is safe, however, this type of cell-based therapy did not restore cardiac function. Its effects were limited to mildly improving left ventricular systolic pressure and reducing the scar area. Despite that, the promising nature of these therapeutic approaches for heart diseases have contributed to the development of next-generation cell therapy.
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