Correlation between Coronary High-Intensity Plaque on T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Myocardial Injury after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

H.H. Ebaid, A.A. Elgaha, H.S. Abdelrahman, K.E.El Rabbat, Tabl,W.S. Abd El Kader

Benha Journal of Applied Sciences(2021)

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Post-procedure myocardial injury/infarction following percutaneous coronary mediation (PCI) is regular in clinical practice and is showed by the rise of heart biomarkers, for example, creatinine kinase or cardiovascular troponin. to show that focused energy plaques on non-contrast T1-weighted MRI imaging may mirror the potential for plaque weakness on IVUS evaluation, and that focused energy plaques may assume a critical part in foreseeing the frequency of postprocedural myocardial injury. This is a forthcoming non-randomized relative investigation was led on 55 patients with ongoing stable angina. Patients were exposed to coronary MRI with non-contrast T1-weighted imaging. They were chosen from cardiovascular medication office, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt, Saudi German Hospital, Jeddah, and Saudia Arabia during the time frame from September 2018 till March 2020. There was no huge contrast among IVUS and MRI discoveries with respect to IVUS brings about negative and positive MRI patients (P>0.05). The affectability and particularity of MRI-HIP in foreseeing moderate were 75% and 51.16%, separately. Additionally, the affectability and particularity of IVUS low weakening in foreseeing moderate stream were 75% and 59.53%, separately. Our examination reasoned that, underlying coronary patency upon demonstrative angiography is altogether connected with quick post PCI TIMI stream. Additionally, MRI appraisal of coronary plaques reflecting structure encourages more exact danger delineation and forecast of PMI after elective PCI in stable CAD patients. Further investigations are expected to explain the coronary plaque qualities addressing HIP on non-contrast T1WI.
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