
Symbiotic Interactions Between a Newly Identified Native Mycorrhizal Fungi Complex and the Endemic Tree Argania Spinosa Mediate Growth, Photosynthesis, and Enzymatic Responses under Drought Stress Conditions

Canadian journal of forest research(2022)

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Water deficit or drought is the most important abiotic stress limiting plant growth performance and plant community development; this is typical in the Mediterranean area where plants are often severely and permanently water limited. Such is the case of the argan tree (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels), one of the tree species most affected by desertification and global warming. To advance knowledge on how this tree can withstand drought stress, inoculation with a native complex of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), composed mainly of the genus Glomus, was studied in connection with a set of growth and physiological parameters. Under controlled conditions, inoculated and non-inoculated argan seedlings were grown for 3 months under three water regimens: 25%, 50%, and 75% relative to the field capacity of used soil substrate. The results showed that the argan tree had different growth abilities to develop and withstand the various applied water limitations. The AMF complex stimulated the growth and mineral nutrition of argan seedlings under the different imposed levels of water deficiency. Relative water content (RWC) in leaves, water potential, and stomatal conductance in argan leaves showed a general improvement in inoculated seedlings compared to non-inoculated ones. Soluble sugar and proline contents significantly increased in non-inoculated seedlings compared with inoculated seedlings under water-limiting conditions (25%). Similarly, oxidative enzyme (catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase) activity increased significantly in drought-stressed seedlings. Non-inoculated seedlings showed the highest accumulation of these enzymes. Moreover, mycorrhizal symbiosis establishment positively correlated with argan tree seedlings in terms of growth, mineral nutrition, soluble sugar and proline contents, and enzymes activities. The main results from the current study suggest that AMF improve the ability of A. spinosa to tolerate drought by enhancing mineral nutrition and the transport of high levels of water by enhancing the RWC and water potential in leaves. Finally, the alleviation of the destructive effects of reactive oxygen species was modulated by enzymatic scavenging activity. Hence, the use of AMF in the technical process of argan seedlings production is highly recommended in different ecofriendly restoration strategies, with the aim of producing high quality seedlings capable of tolerating drought stress.
mycorrhizae,drought,plant growth,Argania spinosa
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