
Medicinal plants from West Africa for the management of respiratory diseases that may appear during the COVID-19

International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences(2020)

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Dans le cadre de contribuer a la prise en charge symptomatique des affections respiratoires pouvant se manifester pendant la Covid-19, la presente etude a ete entreprise pour recenser les plantes medicinales Africaines actives contre ces manifestations. Une etude bibliographique a ete effectuee pour recenser les especes vegetales utilisees dans la prise en charge des maladies respiratoires en Afrique de l’Ouest. La frequence de citation et un score de convergence d’usage des especes ont ete egalement calcules. Un total de 318 recettes issues de 145 especes vegetales a ete inventorie a travers differentes publications. Guiera senegalensis, Sterculia setigera, Bridelia ferruginea, Euphorbia hirta et Terminalia avicennioides etaient les plantes les plus citees avec les meilleurs scores de convergence d’usage. Les feuilles de ces especes etaient les plus citees tandis que la toux etait la plus indiquee. Les resultats de cette etude pourraient servir de base de donnees des especes vegetales utilisees dans la prise en charge des maladies du tractus respiratoire en Afrique de l’ouest.Mots cles : Plantes medicinales, Affections respiratoires, Covid-19, Afrique de l’Ouest. English Title: Medicinal plants from West Africa for the management of respiratory diseases that may appear during the Covid-19 As part of contributing to the symptomatic management of respiratory conditions that may manifest during Covid-19, the current study was undertaken to identify African medicinal plants active against these manifestations. A bibliographic study was carried out to identify the plant species used in the management of respiratory diseases in West Africa. The frequency of citation and a convergence score for the use of the species were also calculated. A total of 318 recipes from 145 plant species were inventoried through various publications. Guiera senegalensis, Sterculia setigera, Bridelia ferruginea, Euphorbia hirta and Terminalia avicennioides were the most cited plants with the best usage convergence scores. Leaves from these species were most cited while the cough was more indicated. The results of this study could serve as a database of plant species used in the management of respiratory tract diseases in West Africa.Keywords: Medicinal plants, Respiratory Affections, Covid-19, West Africa.
charge des affections respiratoires
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