Training Course Framework Directed towards Persons who Stutter: Concepts and Reflections with Particular Reference to Saudi Arabia

Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science(2021)

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Speech fluency disorder is a common problem among children across the world, though majority of stutters recover either spontaneously or with appropriate interventions including speech therapy and related knowledge and awareness upsurge. This paper describes a skeleton of a new training course intended for the teaching of different perspectives of speech fluency disorder (stuttering) leading to enhancement of knowledge of persons who stutter. Evidently, it is mandatory to develop a comprehensive course before any training course is directed towards adults who have speech fluency disorder. For this purpose, our team discussed iteratively various methods and processes used in the construction of an effective training course framework. As a result, the concise needed short course should have a course framework and a distinctive rationale and justification with aims and specific objectives, important contents, teaching methods, proper evaluation, available digital infrastructure resources and a well-defined suitable time framework. The authors recommend that the semi-theoretical construction of the training course for advancing the knowledge of persons who stutter that is linked with improvement in SFD could be utilized in Saudi Arabia or possibly other Gulf countries with or without modifications.
stutter,saudi arabia,training
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