Efficiency Evaluation of Pulsing Solutions and Cold Storage on Prolonging the Vase Life of Helianthus annuus L. Cut Flowers

Thanaa M. Ezz, Bothaina Mohamed Weheda,Mohamed Kadry Gaber, Azza Moahmed Sallam

Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches(2021)

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Preserve the vase life is an important factor for the evaluation of cut flowers quality, for both domestic and export markets. This study aimed to check the effect of  cold storage durations  (0, 1 and 2 weeks) and various combinations of pulsing solutions T1(tap water) as a control, T2 (Hydroxyquinoline sulfate (8-HQS) 200 mg/L +Sucrose 2%),T3 (Olive leaf extract 10 ml/L +Sucrose 2%),  T4 (Lupine extract 10 ml/L +Sucrose 2%), T5 (Olive leaf extract 10 ml/L+ Coriander oil 300 ppm+25mg/L Kinetin +Sucrose 2%) ,  T6 (Olive leaf extract 10 ml/L + Dill oil 300 ppm+25mg/L Kinetin +Sucrose 2%), T7 (Lupine extract 10 ml/L+ Coriander oil 300 ppm +25mg/L Kinetin +Sucrose 2%), T8 (Lupine extract 10 ml/L + Dill oil 300 ppm +25mg/L Kinetin +Sucrose 2%), T9 (Salicylic acid 200 mg/L+ 25 mg/L Kinetin +Sucrose 2%), T10 (Citric acid 150 mg/L +25 mg/L Kinetin +Sucrose 2%) on quality parameters of Helianthus annuus L. cultivar Sunbright Supreme. A significant decrease in chlorophyll index, water balance, carotenoids content and vase life was obtained by increasing the cold storage duration compared to control. The maximum vase life was recorded by pulsing solutions T5 (10.18 and 11.11days) in both experiments, further T8 and T3 (10.44 and 10.30 respectively) in the second experiment.
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