Estudo da cadeia da ovinocultura no município de dom pedrito/rs: uma abordagem sobre a produção de lã.:

Ciência e Sustentabilidade(2020)

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The sheep farming is related to the productive links of inputs, production, processing and industry, distribution and retail, being an agribusiness area that presents unfavorable and limiting factors for the competitiveness of the sector. The present study was conducted to evaluating the structure of the sheep chain for wool production in a rural property, to analyze how the chain is in the farm, and finally to describe which links in the production chain are involved. The research was developed from the method of documentary research for theoretical foundation, field visits at the property, and an interview with the owner of the rural company, through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire with open questions, where the interviewee can clearly and objectively express their experience of years in the activity. As a result, there were 3 essential links of the productive chain in the property in question, being they, the inputs, the production and industrialization and the commercialization, which were later detailed. Therefore, it is concluded that the productive chain needs new incentives for the activity to grow again in a more emphatic and organized way, seeking the integration between agents of the chain and government agents.
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