Casting Light on an Underserved Population: Evidence Review of HIV Among Migrants in the EU/EEA

Christiana Nöstlinger,Theo Cosaert, Ella Van Landeghem, Jef Vanhamel,D. Zenner, Jantine Jacobi,Teymur Noori,Anastasia Pharris,Alyna Smith, Rosalie Hayes,Elena Val,Elisabeth Waagensen,Elena Vovc,Sarita Sehgal,Marie Laga, Henk Van Renterghem

Social Science Research Network(2021)

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HIV epidemics in the EU/EEA (European Union/European Economic Area ) are increasingly diverse in terms of transmission modes and people affected. This systematic search and review synthesises the evidence on vulnerable migrants living in this region (including but not limited to people with irregular status).  Review findings show that many migrants carry a higher HIV burden than the general population.  Of concern are high proportions of post-migration HIV acquisition (about 40% across various studies), a high risk of remaining undiagnosed or being diagnosed late and challenges in accessing and staying on treatment. Multi-level and intersecting factors were shown to reduce access to HIV services along the HIV continuum of care (PrEP, timely HIV testing, and access to treatment for irregular migrants). Ensuring equitable access to HIV prevention, testing and treatment services for all migrants at increased risk for HIV is needed to meet global targets for ending AIDS by 2030. Funding Information: This study was funded through an Agreement for Performance of Work from UNAIDS (2019/959239/202466139). Declaration of Interests: None declared.
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