
��начення васпіну та оментину у розвитку ожиріння — предиктора серцево-судинних ускладнень у хворих на цукровий діабет 2 типу

N. A. Kravchun, M. H. Alhamid, K. V. Misyura,I. P. Dunaieva,I. P. Romanova,I. V. Chernyavska, S. S. Sokolova

Problems of Endocrine Pathology(2021)

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The aim of the work was to find out the significance of vaspin and omentin in metabolic shifts, endothelial dysfunction, cardiovascular diseases and other vascular disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus based on the analysis of modern literature sources and their own research. Material and methods. A thorough review of modern literature sources, including the results of clinical and experimental data, on studies of the importance of the hormones vaspin and omentin in the development of cardiovascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus against the background of obesity, was carried out. 75 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, overweight and obese of varying degrees were examined. Serum vaspin and omentin levels were determined. The presence and strength of the relationship between factors were calculated using the Spearman — rs rank correlation coefficient. As a result of the analysis of literature data, it was found that at the present stage, the biological and pathophysiological effects of vaspin and omentin in the human body are not fully clarified, and data on their prognostic and diagnostic value in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with cardiovascular pathology against the background of obesity are extremely small, so when studying their own data on finding out the role of these adipokines in the development of metabolic disorders, namely, obesity of varying degrees, as a predictor of cardiovascular complications in the above patients, the inverse correlation of vaspin with waist circumference indicators is proved, fat mass and body mass index and straight-with the outline of the hips. As for omentin, data were obtained that indicate the presence of a direct correlation between this adipokin and waist circumference, fat mass and body mass index, the opposite — with hip circumference. It has also been suggested that these adipokines can be used as prognostic markers of cardiovascular complications in the above individuals. It is concluded that vaspin and omentin play an important role in the development of metabolic disorders, but require further research.
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