Descarte de medicamentos: como a falta de conhecimento da população pode afetar o meio ambiente

Andressa Cristina Morretto,Letícia Cabrini, Karina Guariento Miguel da Silva,Beatriz Kuchinski Cavalcante, Adriana Regina Gonzalez, Milena Antunes Gimenes Ferreira,Gustavo José Vasco Pereira

Brazilian Journal of Natural Sciences(2020)

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The medicines are of great importance to Society due to the improvement of life quality, but the incorrect disposal of these has harmed the environment on a large scale. The goal of this study was to evaluate the knowledge about the correct disposal of medicines, detect the impacts in the environment and identify whether pharmacies and drugstores carried out the collection of medicines from the population. The methodology used consisted of a bibliographic survey and two field research, seeking social information through citizens from the Sao Paulo (capital) and regions of Sao Paulo and application of questionaries in pharmacies and drugstores from the same regions. The results show that from 490 interviewed, 55% did not have the knowledge of correct disposal, and 265 people performed the discharge in domestic trash totaling 54,1%. The research performed in 94 establishments reveals that 73,4% does not realize the collection of medication from the population, most due to high cost. We can demonstrate that was an apparently growth in the population’s knowledge in relation to previous research about the correct disposal of medicines. It is concluded that consciousness and participation of the people and health professionals are essential to minimize the impacts caused by the incorrect disposal of medicines, besides a more severe legislation.
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