
Aortic Valve Reintervention after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery/ˆThe ‰Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery/˜The œjournal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery(2023)

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Background: Despite the rapid adoption of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), there are scant data regarding aortic valve reintervention after initial TAVR.Methods: Between 2011 and 2019, 1487 patients underwent a TAVR at the Univer-sity of Michigan. Among these, 24 (1.6%) patients required an aortic valve reinter-vention. Additionally, 4 patients who received a TAVR at another institution underwent a valve reintervention at our institution. We retrospectively reviewed these 28 patients.Results: The median age was 72 years, 36% were female and 86% of implanted TAVR devices were self-expandable. The leading indications for reintervention were structural valve degeneration (39%) and paravalvular leak (36%). The cumu-lative incidence of aortic valve reintervention was 4.6% at 8 years. Most (71%) were deemed unsuitable for repeat TAVR because of the need for concurrent cardiac procedures (50%), unfavorable anatomy (45%), or endocarditis (10%). TAVR valve explant was associated with frequent concurrent procedures, consisting of aortic repair (35%), mitral repair/replacement (35%), tricuspid repair (25%), and coronary artery bypass graft (20%). Seventy-one percent of aortic procedures were unplanned but proved necessary because of severe adhesion of the devices to the contacting tissue. There were 3 (15%) in-hospital mortalities in the TAVR valve explant group, whereas there was no mortality in the repeat TAVR group.Conclusions: Repeat TAVR procedure was frequently not feasible because of un-favorable anatomy and/or the need for concurrent cardiac procedures. Careful assessment of TAVR procedure repeatability should be weighed at the initial TAVR workup especially in younger patients who are expected to require a valve reintervention. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2023;165:1321-32)
transcatheter aortic valve replacement,surgical transcatheter valve explantation,repeat transcatheter aortic valve replacement,aortic repair,aortic valve disease
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