
Narrowband difference-frequency generation at 4.6, 5.4, 7.5, 9.2, and 10.8 μm in LiGaS2 and LiGaSe2 pumped by 20-ps Nd:YAG laser and Raman laser seeding

Solid State Lasers XXX: Technology and Devices(2021)

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Application of new nonlinear-optical crystals for development of novel methods for nonlinear-optical conversion of solid-state laser radiation into mid-infrared range presents an important task of modern infrared photonics. Significance of this challenge is caused not only by limited choice of solid-state sources of coherent radiation in mid-infrared range, but also by potential applications of such sources in science, technology, medicine, and biology. Efficient method of optical frequency down-conversion is the difference-frequency generation (DFG) allowing the single-pass conversion of the pump and signal optical frequencies lying in the near-IR range into the mid-IR idler wave. The narrowband, frequency stable signal wave for the DFG is generated in our setup by the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in a cubically nonlinear crystal (CaCO3, BaWO4, or diamond). In order to present a comparative study, the LiGaSe2 and LiGaS2 crystals with the equal length of 8 mm were used. Narrowband idler waves at the discrete wavelengths of 4.6 / 5.4 / 7.5 / 9.2 μm and high pulse energies in the range 10 - 50 μJ were generated. The measured linewidths were close to the monochromator resolution limit of < 2 cm-1 (~10 nm @ 7.5 μm) and they can be even narrower. It can be supposed that the idler wave linewidth should be comparable with the Raman mode linewidth (ΔνR = 1.2 2.7 cm-1). Generation at 10.8 μJ was achieved in LiGaSe2 only and the output energy was at in the order of ~100 μJ (close to the measuring probe resolution limit).
raman laser seeding,ndyag laser,ligase2,difference-frequency
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