Duelo Amoroso, Dependencia Emocional y Salud Mental en mujeres que han terminado una relación de pareja

Jorge Arturo Martínez Gómez, Mónica Sandoval Cano, Mayuris Liseth Soler Cantillo,Yolima Bolívar Suárez

Informes psicológicos(2021)

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The relationship between love grief, emotional dependence and mental health in women who have ended their relationship in the last six months was examined by means of a descriptive-comparative cross-sectional design, in which 236 heterosexual women participated with ages between the 18 and 28 years old. The Emotional Dependence Questionnaire, the Three-Dimensional Scale of Romantic Grief and the Symptom Check List - 90-Revised were used. The results indicate that the emotions, both positive and negative, that women experience when having a love breakup depend on variables such as emotional dependence and the duration of the relationship. In addition, the breakup and negative emotions could cause symptoms of depression, anxiety, hostility and somatic problems to appear. Therefore, it is important to intervene promptly during romantic grief, to prevent it from evolving into clinical conditions that can lead to depression, anxiety, thoughts or suicide attempts caused by the pain of a breakup.
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