Evagination of fetal mass through serosal layer of uterus in a female dog

Atul K Verma,Ashutosh Tripathi,Akhil Patel, Manish K Shukla,Vijay K. Singh, Jeny K John,Shambhavi, Aman Srivastava,Harshit Saroha

The Pharma Innovation Journal(2021)

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A nondescript stray female dog of around 3 years age was presented to the Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary & Animal Science, SVPUAT, Meerut for elective Ovariohysterectomy. Ultrasonography was performed as routine procedure which revealed a hyper-echoic structure (outside the uterine lumen, floating in the abdominal cavity) attached to the serosal layer of uterus. Laparotomy was performed under general anaesthesia followed by ovariohysterectomy. Hyperechoic structure, adhered to the serosal surface of the uterus was also excised off. Further exploration of the hyperechoic structure revealed it to be a bony mass of fetal origin (ectopic pregnancy). Animal was given post-operative therapy in the form of fluids, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, hepatobiliary drugs along with antiseptic dressing for seven days. Suture removal was performed on the 10th day post surgery. Female dog recovered uneventfully.
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