
The?iAMResponsible?Project™: Building a Communication Network to Motivate Broad Action on Antimicrobial Resistance?

Mara J Zelt, Amy Millmier-Schmidt

2020 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting, July 13-15, 2020(2020)

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Antimicrobial resistant (AR) infections have been recognized globally as a significant threat to public health. While research has progressed since launching the AFRI Food Safety AR Program, a process for conveying science-based knowledge on AR dynamics to agricultural producers and consumers remains undeveloped. Therefore, a nationwide team of research and extension professionals with expertise in livestock production, veterinary medicine, food safety, communication strategies and environmental management, teamed up to develop capacity to design and deliver extension programming focused on AR. The project‘s title, “iAMResponsible”, is intended to convey a shared obligation to understand the impacts of growing AR, adopt science-based practices to mitigate AR, and preserve the efficacy of antibiotics for future generations. One area of outreach the iAMResponsible team has engaged in is social media, regularly posting material to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This assessment examines the efficacy of outreach efforts on Twitter to meet project goals and identify new possibilities for extension programming on AR. Outreach efforts on Twitter were assessed by the following metrics: network building to build expert partnerships and reach under-engaged audiences; dissemination of research-based materials; audience engagement, and behavioral change.  These assessments relied on a combination of data analytics from Twitter, third party follower analysis from Followerwonk, and audiance surveys. Preliminary results indicate that the iAMResponsible ProjectTM has developed a Twitter profile that is effectively engaging subject matter experts worldwide, and outreach via Twitter has been effective for the wide dissemination of educational material. However, social media outreach has been less effective for reaching audiences who had lower initial awareness or interest in AR, thus increasing the importance of additional outreach efforts moving forward. Â
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