Study of some Crop and Technological Characteristics of Some Wheat Cultivars Under Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilization and Their Affected By Rust Diseases

E. E. M. A. Gebrel, M. O. Al-Farouk,M. A. Gad

Journal of Plant Production(2020)

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For a two -years field experiment field was carried out at El-Gemmeiza Agric. Res. Stat., A.R.C., El- Gharbeia Governorate, Egypt  during 2018/19 and 2019/ 20 seasons ,to study the effect of two nitrogen levels (50 and75 kg N/fed.) on yield , yield components and quality traits of thirty eight wheat cultivars ( Triticum aestivum L.). The experimental design was a split- plot design with four replications .The main plot treatments were occupied by the two nitrogen fertilizer, while the wheat cultivars were assigned in the sub- plots.The results revealed that nitrogen fertilizer level had a significant effect on all studied traits in both seasons. Applied nitrogen level of 75 kg N/fed. increased days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, number of grains/spike, number of spikes/m2, 1000-grain weight, grain yield , germination %, relative density and dry matter % , However, EC ( µmhos/g) values were decreased with the same nitrogen rate in both seasons.Misr 2 cultivar recorded the highest days to heading, days to maturity, plant height. Although, Misr 3 cultivar ranked the highest number of spikes per m2, grain yields per feddan, germination %, relative density as well as dry matter % in both seasons.This work recommends growing Misr 3 cultivar using 75 kg N/fed.for achieving high yield and its components of wheat with good quality of seed and high resistant against rust diseases under Gemmeiza zone condition.
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