
Hardware Design of New Multi - Mode Meteorological Acquisition Terminal Based on CC2538

2019 International Conference on Meteorology Observations (ICMO)(2019)

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It is not difficult to see that the Internet of things is based on the characteristics of fast information and data interaction to realize the exchange of information and data with various different substances in real life.Driven by the continuous demand of the Internet of things market, a kind of operating system - Contiki Internet of things operating system was born for Internet of things or wireless sensor network applications.Contiki is a multitasking operating system suitable for embedded memory, its biggest feature is full open source and support network, and perfect support for the 6LoWPAN protocol stack.Time transmission, user detection, navigation and positioning, and short message communication are the functions of the beidou ii global navigation system, which is completely independently constructed in China. Among them, the short message communication function is unique to beidou satellite in the global navigation system.China's beidou satellite has the characteristics of wide coverage, long transmission distance, high stability and easy installation.Based on the above research, based on the principle of embedded system and the principle of hardware circuit, this paper designed a hardware design scheme of multi-mode meteorological acquisition terminal with ARM architecture cortex-m3 kernel as the core and in line with the requirements of meteorological ground observation field.The MCU of this design adopts the CC2538 processor of TI company, and USES the MCU combined with AD acquisition circuit module and front-end conditioning circuit module to package and make a special “chip” for the meteorological industry.In the near field communication, the data is sent wirelessly through 6LoWPAN in the form of nodes.When the remote wireless communication network can be covered, the data can be sent through 4G network in the form of terminal.In remote mountainous areas where the wireless communication network cannot cover or where the communication network is vulnerable to natural disasters, the terminal can use the unique two-way short message technology of beidou ii satellite for communication and transmission.This can greatly reduce the labor cost and make the meteorological data collection more intelligent and diversified.
multi - mode,CC2538,6 lowpan,The Internet of things
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