
A Comparative Study of the Nutritional Status of Adolescents in Residential and Non-Residential Tribal Secondary Schools

Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development(2021)

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Background: Tribal populations lack access to health services and proper educational opportunities due togeographical, social and economic reasons. Among tribal population, malnutrition is prevalent resulting invicious cycle of morbidities and mortalities. To tackle these issues, various interventions are being done atall levels. Establishment of residential schools along with structured meals and Mid-Day Meal program fornon-residential schools are few of many such strategies. This study was undertaken to study the effect ofthese interventions in a tribal district.Materials and Methods: It is a record based retrospective cross-sectional study. Health records of classVIII students from a residential and a non-residential (40 each) were analysed for desired variables. Datawas compiled using Microsoft Excel 2016 and analysed using SPSS version 22.Results: More proportion of adolescent tribal students in non-residential schools had history of worminfestation and diarrhoea in the last six months. Similar pattern was observed for signs of deficiencies ofVitamin B and Vitamin C. Significant difference was observed between food consumption and food diversitypattern being followed.Conclusion: The findings of the study reiterate the need of strengthening of nutrition and hygiene centricschool health program for tribal adolescents.
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