Nonparametric development of the ranked tree structure for the accurate facial landmarking localization

Supratip Ghose, Habibur Rahman

2019 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT)(2019)

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Reliable face recognition starts with the analysis of accurate and robust facial localization component and poses an unresolved challenging computer vision problem in unconstrained settings in the backdrop of clutter, and large head poses variations. The landmark localizer needs to meet robust reasonable point coordinates in correspondence with the face alignment; despite to the extent the image in consideration is under scenarios with face variability. Correspondingly, in this paper; the task is viewed as non-parametric development of local estimator that produces learned features in the leaf node of a tree with an adopted ranking in a supervised clustering way. Then, the proposed approach helps to implement a sequence of estimators based on ensembles of regression trees. The trees use simple scale invariant, asymmetric Multi-Scale shape indexed pixel difference at each split in the internal nodes using adopted label ranking clustering methods, which make those trees able to rapid detection of the process in the region of interest (ROI). The developed system is then tested on several publicly available datasets and analyzed for the sensitivity of the experimental occlusion. The results show that the performance of our method has practical value for commercialization aspect overcoming slowness in the state-of-the-art methods and evaluates to significant accuracy compared to recent methods.
Facial landmark localization,clustering,detection process,intermediary face shape
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