
Механизмы противовирусной активности экстракта ладанника шалфеелистного (Cistus salviifolius) в отношении респираторных вирусов человека

Antibiotics and Chemotherapy(2020)

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Influenza and ARVIs are the most common forms of infectious respiratory diseases in humans. In this regard, the search and development of means for the prevention and treatment of viral infections is a high priority task. The aim of this study was to assess the mechanisms of the antiviral activity of sage-leaved rock-rose extract (Cistus salviifolius) against the causative agents of influenza and ARVIs in humans. In the course of the study, it was shown that C.salviifolius extract inhibits reproduction of influenza viruses A(H1N1), A (H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2), A(H5N2), A(H7N9) and influenza B virus. The extract showed maximum virus-inhibiting activity at the early stages of the viral cycle (0–2 hours after infection). C.salviifolius extract significantly reduced the hemagglutinating activity of the virus, and at the same time did not affect the fusogenic properties of viral hemagglutinin. Transmission electron microscopy was used to demonstrate that the cistus extract prevents the absorption of influenza virions on the surface of cells in culture. The inhibitory activity of the extract against other human respiratory viruses, parainfluenza virus and adenovirus, was also shown. The protective activity of C.salviifolius extract was demonstrated when applied intranasally during the experiments on a model of influenza pneumonia in mice. The degree of this activity was in inverse proportion to the time window between the application of the extract and the infection of the animals. The virus, pre-incubated with C.salviifolius extract, did not cause death in the animals. The data obtained indicate that C.salviifolius extract serves as an effective and broad-range means of preventing respiratory viral infections in humans.
cistus salviifolius extract,antiviral activity
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