Jogo educativo para a prevenção da alienação parental de crianças e adolescentes

RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218(2021)

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Objective: To report the development of an educational technology for children and adolescents in a game format aimed at parental alienation as a Nursing intervention. Method: Study of the experience report type. It was developed by students and professors of a Public University of Pernambuco, during the distance learning experience, from March to April 2021. It complied with the guidelines of Resolution No. 466/2012. For construction, the proposal was used in stages of design thiking, through a bibliographic survey, preparation of the game design, development of the game itself and evaluation. Results: The production of the game AlieNAO provided academics with an expansion of their knowledge about technological tools, as well as the discovery of instruments that can be used for health education, aiming to fit this methodology to the current context and achieve the maximum of users. Final considerations: The educational game developed is a current and innovative method that can be used as an accessible technological didactic resource for use in schools and health units to discuss this problem.
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