
Morphological and chemical characteristics of oxide scales formed on -phase plutonium metal alloys II: 2.0 at% Ga

Journal of Nuclear Materials(2022)

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Focused ion-beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) and three-dimensional (3D) microscopy were applied to characterize the subsurface morphological features of oxide scales formed on an-2.0 at.% Ga plutonium (Pu) metal alloy. Using the FIB-SEM technique, a number of morphological features formed in the interior of the oxide scale from Pu metal's environmental exposure were observed and identified. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) was utilized to characterize the cross-sectional composition and chem-istry of the oxide scale. The oxide scale formed during inert storage and operational environments was found to be highly variable in thickness and morphology, presenting some regions with a thin ( < 400 nm), dense oxide layer and others with a thick ( > 2 mu m) scale with substantial lateral cracking. After sub-sequent exposure to dry air environment, the oxide scale became thicker (-4 mu m) and slightly more porous. The changes following aging in a moist air environment were observed to be more severe, with the formation of a highly porous internal structure containing significant lateral and transverse cracking. In comparison to the scale formed on an-3.5 at.% Ga-Pu metal alloy, the oxide morphology of the lower gallium alloy investigated here exhibited greater variation in thickness and a noteworthy dependence on the presence of water vapor, particularly in terms of the internal porosity formed during growth of the oxide. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nuclear forensics,Plutonium,Focused ion-beam scanning electron,microscopy (FIB-SEM),Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)
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