Temuan tiga rangka homo sapiens di situs gua kidang: identifikasi dan kajian paleoantropologi-geoarkeologi

PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi(2017)

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The findings of three Homo sapiens skeletons in Kidang Cave could provide new information s in treating corpse of prehistoric human. The three skeletal s we re found in different stratigraphic position, and all of them have different skeletal positions, and different association findings. It provides new insight of the burial, which i s known by the human inhabitants of Kidang Cave in treating corpses. The question arises as to whether these three skeletons we re from different communities which inhabit the cave of different time periods, or the Kidang Cave is populated by some communities or races. The answer to this research question will be elaborated in paleoanthropological and geo-archaeological studies as well as archaeological findings. The method used is descriptive analytical, so it is expected to contribute to the prehistoric burial system. The results of geo-archaeological and paleoanthropological studies show the existence of two stages of the shelter based on the findings of three skeletons with different identification and pathology.
kidang cave, homo sapiens, stratigraphy, skeletal position, burial
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