FRI0312 Arthritis in primary sjÖgren’s syndrome: characteristics, outcome and treatment from french multicenter retrospective study

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases(2018)

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Background Primary Sjogren’s syndrome (pSS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterised by diminished lacrimal and salivary gland functions. Joint involvement is reported in 20% to 60% of pSS patients, and among them one third of patients present synovitis. There is a lack of data concerning therapeutic management during pSS-associated synovitis. Objectives To describe the characteristics and the outcome of pSS associated arthritis and to compare the efficacy of different therapeutic regimen. Methods We conducted a retrospective study using Club Rhumatisme and Inflammation (CRI) and French Internal Medicine Society (SNFMI) networks. All patients with a diagnosis of primary Sjogren’s Syndrome (pSS) and at least one clinical and/or echographic synovitis were included. Patients with synovitis (cases) were compared to pSS patients without synovitis (controls). Results 57 patients (93% women) were included with a median age of 54 years.45–63 Patients with synovitis had more frequently lymph node enlargement (12.3% vs. 1.8%, p=0.007) and a higher ESSDAI score (86–12 vs. 2,1–4 p Conclusions pSS articular manifestations may include synovitis which could mimic rheumatoid arthritis but differ by the absence of structural damage. Even if the use of HCQ, MTX, and RTX seem to be effective for joint involvement, the best regimen remains to be determined. Disclosure of Interest None declared
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