Análisis del nivel de atención de los alumnos en clase utilizando NeuroSky’s MindWave Mobile

Cristóbal Romero Morales, José María Luna Ariza, Alejandro Bogarín Vega, María Luque Rodríguez, Pedro González Espejo

Revista de innovación y buenas prácticas docentes(2018)

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This paper describes a specific Android software to the NeuroSky’s MindWave Mobile device in order to measure the students’ attention level during the traditional theory and practical classroom sessions. Using this software we can monitor to a group of students carried out the device in their heads as a typical headphones. This software will gather on real time all the information about the attention level directly on the smartphone of each student. Starting from this information, instructors can analyse and determine in which sessions the students has shown more or less attention, in which slides or contents has shown more or less attention, which comments in classroom generate a higher attention, which students show a higher attention in theory or practical sessions, etc. and so, they can determine some possible actions in order to try to increase the attention level in classroom.
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