Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Potential Source of Hepatocyte like Cells

Amira Othman, Mai Hassan

Journal of Bone Marrow Research(2016)

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The field of regenerative medicine is growing up rapidly in the last decades, the usage of cellular therapy such as stem cells start to grasp attention in many experimental and even clinical trial. In this article, we mainly concentrate on the potentiality of the mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) to differentiate into hepatocyte like cells, which can overcome the problem of donor’s shortage. MSC have been use lately in many in vitro and in vivo experiments, and have showed great capacity of multilinage differentiation, interestingly they have the capacity to differentiate into hepatocyte like cells. Currently many clinical trials started to involve the usage of self-MSC as a novel therapy for hepatic complication such as fibrosis or cirrhosis, which showed promising results in treatment of hepatic patients. MSC can be injected in hepatic patient to replace the cirrhotic liver, which gives a real hope for the hepatic patients as a reliable source for regeneration.
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