
Doctors Fail to Offer Advice about Omega‐3s to Those Who Need It Most (379.7)

˜The œFASEB journal(2014)

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A grocery store tour podcast was developed to inform shoppers about the health benefits of omega‐3s (n‐3s) and foods to increase n‐3 consumption. This study specifically examined shoppers who had a history including one of 12 health conditions that may be ameliorated by increased n‐3 consumption (N=223). Participants were recruited from 20 New Jersey grocery stores, and surveyed pre‐intervention to assess if their doctors had ever made them aware of n‐3s’ benefits or advised them to increase their n‐3 consumption. After having listened to the podcast as they shopped, participants were asked to show the researcher any foods they had purchased as a result of listening to the podcast, and the foods were verified to be n‐3 rich foods. Most participants were female (n=173) with a mean age of 52.6±12.4 years. Just over a third of the study population (n=83) had been advised to consume more n‐3s. Notably, those with heart conditions or high‐triglycerides (n=40) were most likely to have been apprised about n‐3s, as about half (n=21, 53%) had been advised by their doctors to consume more. Of the 47 women who were of child bearing age (<45 years), less than one third (n=15) had received any advice from doctors regarding n‐3s to support the birth of healthy babies. As a result of listening to the podcast 108 shoppers (49%) bought at least one n‐3 rich food (mean = 1.2 ± 0.5), and 194 shoppers (88%) indicated they would buy n‐3 rich foods in the future. These results suggest that doctors do not adequately address n‐3s benefits/consumption among patients who would likely most benefit from this advice. Further, it suggests that when offered information regarding the benefits of n‐3s and counseled on foods to purchase via this innovative means of providing nutrition education at the point of purchase, n‐3 rich food purchases increase.Grant Funding Source: Supported by New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
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