Blockchain Smart Contract Virtual Machine Optimization Technology for Domain Name Systems

2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Application of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI)(2021)

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The existing domain name system relies heavily on the root domain name server and has unilateral management problems, which is not conducive to the open and equal development of the Internet environment. Blockchain technology provides new technical means to solve the centralization problem of the root resolution system but induces high consumption and slow query issues. In this paper, we studied optimizing the blockchain smart contract virtual machine, specifically EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), for realizing a domain name system through a smart contract. We abstracted the key data structure of domain name management and added core attributes to the account structure to accelerate domain name management through transactions. Furthermore, we modified the EVM structure and added EVM opcodes that can directly call the underlying logic related to upper-level domain name management to simplify the transaction processing flow. The evaluations show that the system has achieved a two orders of magnitude improvement in the performance of the domain name resolution system based on blockchain.
Domain Name System,Blockchain,Smart Contract,EVM Optimization
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