Vapor–liquid equilibrium estimation of n-alkane/nitrogen mixtures using neural networks

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(2022)

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Understanding fluid phase behavior, like VLE, in high P&T conditions is crucial for developing high-fidelity simulations of chemically reacting flows in liquid-fueled combustion systems and also forms an integral part of the design-modeling of the control processes in chemical industries. Two data-driven models have been proposed in this study, each of which was competent in estimating VLE for the Type III binary systems of C10/N2 and C12/N2, at pressures ranging up to 50–60 MPa. Both models showed better performance in predicting equilibrium pressure as compared to VLE modeled using PR-EOS. A modified model has also been proposed, capable of estimating the full phase envelope for the binary systems of C10/N2 and C12/N2 across a wide range of temperatures, and thus exhibit the mixture critical pressure at the concerned temperature. The diverse applicability of the proposed network architecture was further exhibited while estimating the VLE of a ternary system of C1/C10/N2.
Vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE),Neural networks,Data-driven learning,Peng Robinson equation of state (PR-EOS),Binary mixtures,Ternary mixtures
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