
From the Micromorphology of Paleoweathering Fronts to Paleoenvironmental Analysis: A Case Study of the Cretaceous Dune Fields of Sanfranciscana Basin, Brazil


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The work investigated the paleoenvironmental significance of kaolinite-rich weathering fronts developed during the Cretaceous in stabilized dune fields of Sanfranciscana Basin in Brazil. To this, was conducted a multi-scale analysis from the outcrops of paleosols to mineral grains and soil pores. The macro and micromorphology of paleoweathering fronts allow recognizing weathering features and estimating the porosity and hydraulic parameters (permeability, capillary pressure, and saturated hydraulic conductivity). Scanning electron microscope analyses were conducted to investigate surface microtextures of quartz grains for weathering process characterization based on dissolution microfeatures. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry was utilized to identify chemical elements of clay minerals. The major and trace elements were analyzed using a Philips X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer (PW 2440). Our results showed that weathering fronts expand through preferential water paths (pipe and finger flow) in bedding planes in response to textural and porosity contrasts related to the bimodality (i.e., the difference of grain size distribution between overlapped sedimentary structures) of aeolian deposits. The dissolution features present in quartz grains, such as etching, pitting, total dissolution of grains, iron coatings, and booklets of well-developed kaolinite, reveal an increase in humidity and the pedogenetic kaolinization process typical of a humid tropical environment. These weathering patterns coincide with cooling events between the Albian and the Cenomanian report in the literature. Our study indicates that during the Cretaceous, the Sanfransicana Basin underwent climatic amelioration and a rise in water table level, which likely enhanced dune stabilization and the formation of an extensive geomorphic surface.
Paleosol,Critical zone,Paleotopography,Weathering profile
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