
System Development for Production of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (hermetia Illucens) in Small Scale, Using Wild Flies

Sandro Morais dos Santos, Paolo Lages Sequenzia, Elias Barbosa Rodrigues,Isabela Parolis Martins,Arlen Nicson Lopes Pena,Diego Vicente da Costa,Wedson Carlos Lima Nogueira

Research, Society and Development(2022)

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Technological innovation in rural areas guarantees the maintenance and subsistence of rural producers. Additionally, it is mandatory to use strategies aimed at reducing costs in animal production and reducing the environmental impact involved, making it challenging in the current global scenario. Thus, it is necessary to develop new alternative methods of production aimed at small scales, which can be implemented in small properties with reduced capital investment. In this sense, the objective was to describe the development of a system capable of inducing the production of black soldier fly larvae-BSFL (Hermetia illucens) through the attractiveness of egg laying of wild adults. To make the larvae production system, the following were needed: a plastic drum, with a capacity of 200 liters, 10 meters of 8mm silk rope, 1.5 m2 of wire mesh with 25mm x 20mm mesh, 1 m2 3mm x 2mm nylon mesh, plastic faucet for draining the slurry, one meter of 20mm diameter hose, two plastic containers with capacity of 20 liters for collecting the slurry and pre-pupae; besides equipment for cutting and finishing the drum. The System was supplied with organic plant material from daily household disposal, and other plant residues produced on the property. The development of this System can provide great social and economic viability, as it can be implemented in small rural properties for the treatment of organic waste. The mechanism presented good performance for the recycling of organic waste, and also for the production of BSFL, with satisfactory quantity collected daily.
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