
POSB335 Pilot Investigation of the Short-Term Quality of Life and Socio-Demographic Factors of Men and Women Underwent Total Hip Arthroplasty in Hungary

Value in health(2022)

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The study aimed to examine the socio-demographic data of men and women operated with total hip arthroplasty (THA), moreover to compare their quality of life before and after surgery. Patients with hip prosthesis surgery were selected by simple convenience sampling technique at the Department of Orthopedics, Clinical Centre of the University of Pécs and at a private clinic in Pécs, Hungary. Patients completed a complex questionnaire before the surgery and 6 weeks later between April 2019 and March 2020. We evaluated the socio-demographic data, circumstances of diseases and surgical operations. Two international questionnaires were also completed (SF-36, Oxford Hip Score). The research involved 164 persons (73 men, mean age:63.82 years; 91 women, mean age:63.80 years). Proportion of primary eduaction was significantly higher for women (14.29%) than men (4.11%)(p=0.029). The proportion of married people is significantly higher for men (men:71.23%, women:54.95%; p=0.033), while the proportion of widows for women (men:2.74%, women:23.08%; p<0.001). The proportion of contractors was significantly higher for men (32.88%) than women (14.29%)(p=0.005). Both group’s quality of life has shown significant improvement according to Oxford Hip Score (men: 23.79 to 34.80 points, women: 16.82 to 31.13 points, p<0.001) and SF-36 Physical Health Score (men: 39.06 to 62.50 points, women: 27.32 to 52.23 points, p<0.001). Mental Health Scores also increased, but this was only significant for women (men: 74.73 to 79.46 points, p=0.076; women: 63.01 to 73.04 points, p=0.002). When comparing the quality of life of men and women, there was no significant difference at any of the survey time points. We found significant differences in the sociodemographic characteristics of men and women who underwent THA, however their quality of life improved equally significantly after 6 weeks. There was no significant difference in quality of life scores at the time points of the survey.
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