Pre- and Post-Resection Urine Metabolic Profiles of Bladder Cancer Patients: Results of Preliminary Studies on Time Series Metabolomics Analysis


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Simple Summary Bladder cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers worldwide and due to non-specific symptoms, it is often detected at a late stage. For this reason, possible diagnostic alternatives that could be used for non-invasive screening are still being sought. In recent years, metabolomics approach has been frequently used for this type of research, using urine or blood collected from two groups: patients with a given disease and healthy volunteers. Usually, to minimize the impact of between-subject differences, participants of the study are matched in terms of age, gender, or BMI. Another way to rule out the impact of this variability is to analyze samples taken at intervals from the same patient. Therefore, the aim of our study was to validate results obtained using the traditional approach on a small group of patients, from whom samples were taken before and after resection of the bladder tumor, in a given time frame. The incidence of bladder cancer (BCa) has remained high for many years. Nevertheless, its pathomechanism has not yet been fully understood and is still being studied. Therefore, multiplatform untargeted urinary metabolomics analysis has been performed in order to study differences in the metabolic profiles of urine samples collected at three time points: before transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT), the day after the procedure and two weeks after TURBT. Collected samples were analyzed with the use of high-performance liquid chromatography hyphenated with time-of-flight mass spectrometry detection (HPLC-TOF/MS) and gas chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (GC-QqQ/MS, in a scan mode). Levels of metabolites selected in our previous study were assessed in order to confirm their potential to differentiate the healthy and diseased samples, regardless of the risk factors and individual characteristics. Hippuric acid, pentanedioic acid and uridine confirmed their potential for sample differentiation. Based on the results of statistical analysis for the paired samples (comparison of metabolic profiles of samples collected before TURBT and two weeks after), a set of metabolites belonging to nucleotide metabolism and methylation processes was also selected. Longitudinal studies proved to be useful for the evaluation of metabolic changes in bladder cancer.
metabolomics, bladder cancer, urine, TURBT, time series analysis, metabolic fingerprinting, untargeted metabolomics
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