Variety is the Spice of Life: Heterogeneity in Evaluator Engagement and the Valuation of Atypicality

Brian P. Reschke, Ming D. Leung

The Generation, Recognition and Legitimation of NoveltyResearch in the Sociology of Organizations(2022)

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Since initial demonstrations that categories are consequential for evaluation, scholars of organizations and markets have attended to dynamics in audience evaluations of category spanning. We consider how heterogeneity in evaluator engagement in a market may alter their evaluation of atypical candidates. In markets where evaluators self-propagate theories of diversification, atypical candidates are advantaged because they present a distinct and efficient opportunity to diversify. We argue that evaluator market engagement will (positively) moderate valuations of atypicality, as such evaluators will be better positioned to recognize atypical candidates and their alignment with prevailing theories of value. We find support for our contentions with data from an online peer-to-peer lending market, Consistent with our hypothesis, we find that lender evaluation of these atypical borrowers is increasing in their market engagement: whereas lenders new to the market devalue atypical candidates, those who have made many evaluations evaluate atypicality positively.
Categories, atypicality, audiences, evaluation, crowdfunding, online markets
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